Gratitude, Contentment, Heat

A couple of years ago, a communication coach at my desk job suggested starting a gratitude practice. I’ve heard of the concept before, and even after Kathleen the coach explained her own and her family’s gratitude practice to me, it seemed a bit out there. First of all, not like I am ungrateful or anything, am I? I know I am lucky and all that. What difference cataloguing the body parts that work and such in a journal would make?

Still, Kathleen was a truly gifted coach and a loveliest person, so even though I dismissed the idea as a suggestion to not follow, it got put aside in a not too far away corner of my brain. This post is about what happened when the time came to bring it back up and put it to work. Continue reading “Gratitude, Contentment, Heat”

Where My Tango Heart Is

The physical heart is to the left of center.  The spiritual heart is to the right.  My tango heart is, bewilderingly, in Philadelphia.

The first weekend of December I flew to Philly for Lesley’s memorial service.  Got there late Friday afternoon back home Sunday evening. Continue reading “Where My Tango Heart Is”

Rites of Passage

You will not read this.

Turns out, when I wrote here in the past, I did that a little bit for you, because I knew you read what I wrote.  That was one of the ways you loved me.

Joseph Campbell compares rites of passage, myths, and dreams.

The rites and myths have become mythical.  Nobody cancelled what they framed though: the passage.  Continue reading “Rites of Passage”

The Bell

I have developed a bit of celebrity crush lately.  Have been listening to this guy’s lectures and interviews; had my mind blown; can’t get enough; wonder if what I hear is crazy, or enlightened, or both; wonder if he is attractive in person or as a person.  The answer to that last bit: not necessarily, probably troubled; it is kinda fun to wonder though, because the age range is right, and the geography not entirely prohibitive.  

Continue reading “The Bell”