Grievance #2: the Greysteels

With this entry, the aspiring series that started with yesterday’s post becomes an actual series, in which I comment on what I was sad to miss in the (quite decent overall) BBC TV series “Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell”, compared to the wonderful original book.

This post today, apart from a fangirl rant, is also a commentary on what may be a fundamental difference between what’s captivating on screen vs. on paper and, I would posit, in life.

If you haven’t read the book, here is your minor spoiler alert.   Continue reading “Grievance #2: the Greysteels”

The Venices

As I walked along the Dorsoduro embankment this morning, peaking into the side alleys and canals, I felt Venice as a protodream. The other dreams made sense.

The Dorsoduro Embankment

The Dorsoduro embankment

A lesser one, Venice, California, the quiet part a couple of blocks inland from the beach. Continue reading “The Venices”