A Monday Letter

When we chatted last week, I hesitated to ask you a favor.

The favor was for you to write to me once or twice.  I hesitated, because I wasn’t sure how well that would serve either of us, and because the time for asking favors ran out.  If I were to do what I hesitated to ask of you, it would go like this. Continue reading “A Monday Letter”


There may be a day some time in the future when I no longer care about you.   The familiar feeling of your embrace would be like a memory of a good book I’ve read, or a movie I’ve seen.  Like a memory of my hand in David’s in the Azalea Garden, in June of 2007.  So what if I remember the month and year, I am good with calendars, that’s all.  It might have been May, too.  When do the azaleas bloom?  It was a Tuesday.

About you, I’ll remember there were Mondays. Continue reading “Mondays”

Arroyo Seco Dinner Grace

Over the Labor Day weekend, I went backpacking in the Arroyo Seco river.  I am not much into backpacking, hadn’t done that in over a decade in fact.  This one sounded easy enough though: about 10 miles in 3 days along the riverbed with nice pools to swim in, under the trees and other pretty nature.  Ten miles is nothing, right?  Various people from the same crowd have done this for years, we’ve heard.  Usually, in 2 days, we’ve heard. Continue reading “Arroyo Seco Dinner Grace”

Weird Families. Where Leaders Are Made

Do You Have Any Family Here?

A new acquaintance would soon ask about my family.  “They are all back in Saint Petersburg,” I’d say, “…No, no one in the States, all by myself.”  It doesn’t seem weird to me.  It must seem weird, because I haven’t met many other people likewise removed from any family, not lately.  “Do you visit them often then?” the small talk would continue.  Last time, 3 years ago, and then 10 years before that.

During the 10 years, Continue reading “Weird Families. Where Leaders Are Made”