
20120915_NolaLast night, on my way to a milonga, I received a message from Kathy:

“I don’t know if you saw the post by <so and so> that Nola passed away this morning. We don’t know details but I know you were good friends and you were her mentor.”

I didn’t know that.  I knew that Nola was retired, so she must have been older than she appeared and lived, but no, I didn’t see that, didn’t see that coming.  She was 67.

Years ago Nola worked as a math teacher somewhere on the East Coast.  Continue reading “Nola”


Написано в третью субботу октября 2013 года

1948 или 1947 год.  Моя бабушка в твоем возрасте, пройдя войну, потеряв отца, беременная дочкой Тамарой, которая скоро умрет.  С тетей Аней на руках.  Со светом и любовью на следующие 63 года и, через меня, после.